The video for Lady Gaga's first single "Born This Way" from her upcoming album, Born This Way (May 23) premiered this morning and is over 7 minutes of complete creative freedom and innovation. While I'm sure she and the video are in for lots of praise and scrutiny for countless reasons, I'm choosing not to pick at this video in either regard. Instead, I want to focus on the risks Gaga takes, as proven once again in this video. Not only did she direct along with choreographer Laurieann Gibson, the scene set to the opening monolgue is a shocker...if you've never seen how aliens are born. Gags then brought in Rick Genest, a.k.a. Zombie Boy to play her skeletal love interest, had her head on display like a revisited episode of Snick At Night's "Are You Afraid Of The Dark?", and had lots of solo power dancing.
I love LG's creativity and how she goes far, far beyond thinking outside of the box, though I still feel the most admirable aspect of the single is simply, the message. The lyrics, while others in the mainstream have played around the same subject, have stuck with me since the first time I heard them. They are so bold and yes, we have all heard "be yourself, love who you are, be proud, stand up and believe in yourself" in a million songs, but explicitly hearing, not hinting at, "No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track, I was born this way". To be fair, others have definitely slashed open the envelope far beyond the norm in years/decades past, but this is a new age and it's about time we have a voice for embracing everyone for who we are. We are a blunt people and if it takes blunt words to match, let the slashing continue.
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