- Rosie O'Donnell's ear drums apparently never had the pleasure of experiencing Arcade Fire, and after their album of the year win for "The Suburbs", her Twitter comment blasted, "album of the year? ummm never heard of them ever." Unidentified experts on AF's defense have stated, "The act with the most complex, thoughtful and adventurous album actually won the Grammy". With AF, Biebs, & Drake, it seems the Canadians are taking over. So there, RODo!!
- The Lady's gone Madgaga! Everybody is up in
armsfreaky, pointy shoulders following Lady Gaga's Grammy performance. The accusations are flowing freely that LG is pure copycatting Madge. Among the allegations:
- "Born This Way" penned by Lady Gaga is a near-exact replica of Madonna's "Express Yourself"
My take is that Gags didn't intentionally rip of Madonna. Influenced? Very likely. It's common knowledge Lady Gaga loves Madonna (and vice versa). However, influenced by ≠ infringement. There are only so many notes to compose with and though thousands of ways in which to arrange those notes, similarities are bound to exist. While the messages of the songs also are being scrutinized as too-close-for-comfort, this still does not amount to lawsuit stature.
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